Monday, April 5, 2010

Noro-Virus! River cruise ends in the toilet

Trier - Virus alert on the "Swiss Tiara. On board the river cruiser of obvious tourists have found 27 infected with the highly contagious Noro virus.
The passengers are suffering from bad vomiting and diarrhea. Nine of them are so geschwächst that they are not likely to leave their cabins, "a spokesman desGesundheitsamtes Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz).
Whether the cause derErkrankungen actually had noroviruses, shall have a Untersuchungklären. The "Swiss Tiara" with about 150 passengers on board had put amFreitag Coming from Strasbourg in Trier.
The norovirus was probably introduced to the ship "was". Already on the first night of the trip had been missing some Passagierewegen stomach at dinner, "said the spokesman.
Only just over three weeks of the passengers were ill on a Urlaubsschiffin Koblenz to vomiting and diarrhea. Five of the 20 patients at the time musstenmussten be brought to the hospital.