Friday, April 23, 2010

30 kilos are gone

Cologne --
The death of hiker Henning has also Schwarzhoff EXPRESS junior winner Uwe Eckardt, aka Uwe E. deeply affected. "If someone with so much courage and talent die so young is that an incredibly sad story," says the 46-year-old. "For me, the cause was a shock."
Even Uwe is extremely overweight, "In the spring of this year, I still weighed 155 pounds. Then my doctor advised me to take urgently. My blood pressure was too high, the risk of heart attack was very high. And after the performances left me breathless, "said Uwe E.
A radical diet alone did not help really. "So I decided in May to allow me a gastric band to use. "Until now he has lost 30 pounds - and it will be followed again at least 30 pounds.
"Today, I eat smaller portions, also pay more attention to what I take to me. Perhaps I've heard the warning shot soon enough. My colleague Henning had unfortunately not so lucky. The bad news of his untimely death was for me a clear warning. I take off together, "said Uwe E., who wants to take off with his first single" Künning vum Veedel "in Fasteleer.