Friday, June 4, 2010

Now cooks Tessa Meier Mountain Coffee

Hamburg - The 19-year-old was the excitement of "America's Next Top Model". You motzte, being bitchy, crying - and was always convinced I'm the new mega-star of the German catwalks. But Berg Tessa Meier had to quickly view: Only with a big mouth does not go far. Mid-March, Heide Klum sent them home.
Since then it has become quiet around Tessa. Up to now: Top Model fans, they discovered in a Hamburg Cafe - behind the counter. The casting candidate brews espresso, froths milk served cappuccino. Gets the self-confident young star about any model assignments more?
Tessa is almost unrecognizable: She wears a plaid shirt over a dark skirt, her hair tied to Dutt. Elaborate styling? Glamour Make-Up? Forget it! Heidi's drama-queen as unsophisticated coffee girl.
And especially professional sees the 19-year-old is not enough. Agonizingly slowly she types the numbers into the cash register, with angstrengtem smile, she serves the customers.
To better times Tessa had smoked, "I can attract a potato sack and look good in it." Whether that new counter for their job in Hamburg also applies?
All Tessa-News: Tessa shoots poison arrows on Heidi Klum> After kicking: Tessa fans suffer> bitch Tessa thrown out at Topmodel> Tessa: Good sex can be just breaks> Tessa his arm - cast! > Tessa makes the Tiger out> 10,000 € porn bounty on Tessa> ProSieben smuggles a bitch Tessa>
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