Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cliques costs millions Savings Bank

Cologne - The Sparkasse Köln-Bonn is tarnished. Not only because of the financial crisis. These are the consequences of the Cologne clique, beating with tens of millions of book.
It was necessary savings bank chief Artur Grzesiek on Wednesday to present a balance sheet, which is anything but rosy. The "bank of Cologne" a loss of 182 million € has been stretched out. As in the previous year had the second largest savings bank in Germany to dip into the reserves.
Many problems are long-term consequences of transactions and favors from the era of the former bank boss Gustav Adolf Schröder from 1998 to 2007. Only a few examples:
When the RTL threatened with depopulation, the bank threaded 2003, the controversial business with the fair-Rhine warehouses and private fund-Esch one. And then this: The move of the station was delayed, the bank bears the principal risk - including improvements in the construction. Makes 77 million euros, "impairment".
Another legacy is the commitment of the bank as a TV studio operator in Ossendorf (MMC). The policy was dreaming at the beginning of the 90s of Bollywood Rhine. The savings helped. With the result that are now back € 21 million recorded as lousy.
A good customer of the bank enjoyed playing golf. The savings bank and helped him set up with the Golf Club Lärchenhof. In 2003, the common good bank took over the plant completely. Regularly have 10 million written off.
Sparkassen-chief Grzesiek, in the last four months Cologne will make an end to clique loads. The golf course is sold. Schroeder also will be sued for damages. However, it is because "only" around 360,000 euros, which should have given the CDU politician Schröder Jupp Müller Savings Bank consultant. Müller also must reckon with an action.
In keeping with the theme: Interest tricks - that banks are gambling from>