Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On to the big discount battle!

Cologne - Powerful what's going on, on Saturday in the City! Uwe Klein, deputy head of the Cologne Retail Federation expects jam-packed on the first date of sale after Christmas shops.
"We expect today and in the days before New Year's Eve with a powerful final sprint of the Christmas business."
He explains: "In retail, large discounts after Christmas campaigns are the trend. In addition, vouchers and cash gifts from year to year to take - and who want to be redeemed or paid. "
Zero-percent financing in electric markets that have been extended until the new year. Herrenausstatter how Pohland, with discounts from 27 Lure December: The big discount battle "between the years" has begun. "There has to make one or two years down convertible," says Klein. "Previously, the discount campaigns launched weeks before Christmas. Today, they start later, to pull himself up into the new year. "
Crisis or not, "was already on the last Saturday of the previous year's sales result achieved," says Klein. It is expected that sales of the holiday season 2008 be better than in 2007.
Also of interest
On to the big discount battle!
Dusseldorf: On Saturday, the city is booming