Monday, May 17, 2010

BAC father had daughter (10) are

Bonn / Hennef - His scooter was important to him than his child ...
A scooter driver (42) built an accident - and had seriously injured his daughter Anna (10, name changed) on the road back to first move times for the damaged bicycle home.
The girl begged to be a witness to call the ambulance.
 Boiler suit, baseball cap. Sun is "heartless father" at the hands of the patrol car. A policeman from his scans. Then the 42-year-old is dead drunk to the police station - the family man, the Alcotest was satte1, 4 per thousand!
19.50 against the clock Alk-father was with her daughter on a scooter. They drove on the Frankfurt street, it had more than 400 meters to go home - when he suddenly lost control over the bike. That came off the road, slammed to the ground.
In the fall, Anna was hurt. Nevertheless, her father left her alone. A witness took care of the girl as he grabbed his scooter and quickly pushed home into the garage. Gateway to. If he wanted to hide him from the police because he had hair? The motive is still unclear.
 Bad: In the period of his absence, the deteriorated condition of his child. The age of ten had severe abdominal injuries and pain. But there's no dad was there, who consoled her and took her arm.
 According to local police officers told the man at least his wife by accident. The immediately put him into the car and drove to the accident site. There they met the accident witness who minded their best for their child had Bemühhung.
 Meanwhile, running against the father of a family investigation. "Because of drink driving and failure to assist," said police spokesman Mark Grommes. His daughter was seriously injured taken to emergency medical first aid to the children's hospital with a RTW.
When the investigators father smelled a flag. Grommes: "A preliminary test showed alcohol in it a value of around 1.4 per thousand." His license was secured.