Saturday, May 29, 2010

CDU may not advertise Horst Schlämmer

Grevenbroich - Paddle for the CDU: The party may not with the picture vonHorst Schlämmer alias Hape Kerkeling advertise.
Then knocks the dieProduktionsfirma Kerkeling film "a candidate Ish!".
In einerCDU-election campaign ad with a photo of Schlämmer Ursula Kwasny, CDU candidate for mayor of Grevenbroich was to see.
"Of course Schlämmer würdeHorst only for his own party - make Horst Schlämmer Party - advertising," the company said on Donnerstagmit. Then we also have noted the CDU in Grevenbroich.
The party had assured then that there had been at eineeinmalige action.
"This shows that at the moment vieleversuchen to go running board," said film producer with Barbara Kranz.
Here the trailer for the campaign film, "Horst Schlämmer - Ish a candidate" (Releasedate August 20) Watch:
HERE the election campaign film watch HSP:
More Schlämmer News: Horst-Schlämmer party would have a real chance! will> Horst Schlämmer opened the campaign> Horst Schlämmer is now movie star> Now Horst Schlämmer also become Chancellor>

Sunday, May 23, 2010

In this crash have all survived

Siegburg - blessing in disguise who the occupants of a car that after a serious traffic accident on the A3 is still only a pile of scrap.
The accident happened on Friday night against 23 clock just before the service station Siegburg. And what police and fire departments see there can be one's blood run cold: The car that has over themselves, just a pile of battered metal and shattered glass.
But then, the relief workers. Miraculously no one was trapped in the totally destroyed car. Both passengers and the 26-year-old driver could even get out of the car independently and were only slightly injured.
 As the highway police, was one of the reason for the tire blowouts involuntary rollover of the vehicle.
For the duration of the accident record and the rescue and salvage operations, had one lane of the A3 will be blocked.

Monday, May 17, 2010

BAC father had daughter (10) are

Bonn / Hennef - His scooter was important to him than his child ...
A scooter driver (42) built an accident - and had seriously injured his daughter Anna (10, name changed) on the road back to first move times for the damaged bicycle home.
The girl begged to be a witness to call the ambulance.
 Boiler suit, baseball cap. Sun is "heartless father" at the hands of the patrol car. A policeman from his scans. Then the 42-year-old is dead drunk to the police station - the family man, the Alcotest was satte1, 4 per thousand!
19.50 against the clock Alk-father was with her daughter on a scooter. They drove on the Frankfurt street, it had more than 400 meters to go home - when he suddenly lost control over the bike. That came off the road, slammed to the ground.
In the fall, Anna was hurt. Nevertheless, her father left her alone. A witness took care of the girl as he grabbed his scooter and quickly pushed home into the garage. Gateway to. If he wanted to hide him from the police because he had hair? The motive is still unclear.
 Bad: In the period of his absence, the deteriorated condition of his child. The age of ten had severe abdominal injuries and pain. But there's no dad was there, who consoled her and took her arm.
 According to local police officers told the man at least his wife by accident. The immediately put him into the car and drove to the accident site. There they met the accident witness who minded their best for their child had Bemühhung.
 Meanwhile, running against the father of a family investigation. "Because of drink driving and failure to assist," said police spokesman Mark Grommes. His daughter was seriously injured taken to emergency medical first aid to the children's hospital with a RTW.
When the investigators father smelled a flag. Grommes: "A preliminary test showed alcohol in it a value of around 1.4 per thousand." His license was secured.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On to the big discount battle!

Cologne - Powerful what's going on, on Saturday in the City! Uwe Klein, deputy head of the Cologne Retail Federation expects jam-packed on the first date of sale after Christmas shops.
"We expect today and in the days before New Year's Eve with a powerful final sprint of the Christmas business."
He explains: "In retail, large discounts after Christmas campaigns are the trend. In addition, vouchers and cash gifts from year to year to take - and who want to be redeemed or paid. "
Zero-percent financing in electric markets that have been extended until the new year. Herrenausstatter how Pohland, with discounts from 27 Lure December: The big discount battle "between the years" has begun. "There has to make one or two years down convertible," says Klein. "Previously, the discount campaigns launched weeks before Christmas. Today, they start later, to pull himself up into the new year. "
Crisis or not, "was already on the last Saturday of the previous year's sales result achieved," says Klein. It is expected that sales of the holiday season 2008 be better than in 2007.
Also of interest
On to the big discount battle!
Dusseldorf: On Saturday, the city is booming

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kölsche The Winter's Tale

Cologne --
In bright sunshine were the FC-professionals in the winter landscape around Geißbockheim the tiredness from the legs. Coach Zvonimir Soldo went well tempered front. Seven points to the relegation zone, only four points behind Werder Bremen in sixth - Soldos snow kings and their typical Cologne Winter's Tale.
We're on a wave, "says Defense Star Pedro Geromel. "Of the last seven games we were unlucky to lost against Dortmund." Three wins between them. The funny thing: At Nuremberg (3-0), Wolfsburg (3-2) and in Frankfurt Frau Holle vigorously shaking her pillows - and it now says even the FC-Brazilians to the blizzard: "This is our weather!"
Mr Miso Brecko laughs: "I'm concerned, it can be cold even longer." Trainer Soldo: "Apparently the cold weather is important to us." With a lot of tactical discipline and willingness to defy the running FC professionals currently the adverse external conditions to collect counters to count .
Geromel: "It feels good to put in there to no longer directly below. But now we do not look up - we want to score points on. Even against Hamburger SV. "
For the game against the Labbadia club begins a series of serious opponents. But unlike in the first round the Cologne before the duel with the HSV, Schalke, Leverkusen and Bayern are not afraid. Soldo also pays off because of points: "We are much more stable, self-confidence is there. And we always come back after setbacks. "
Leveled against the BVB a two-goal gap, they had twice against Wolfsburg and Frankfurt once to put away the equalizer. Striker Sebastian Freis: "But we have found ourselves as a team, the node has burst."
And so, the FC troops also shows without their top striker Lukas Podolski and Milivoje Novakovic amazing comeback qualities. They braced themselves in a snowstorm in Frankfurt against the pressing hosts - and took three points. The Cologne Winter's Tale can go on ...