Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Terrorists planned a great slaughter

Dusseldorf - More and more gruesome confession at the trial of the terrorists of the "Sauerland Group" in Dusseldorf. They wanted to bomb attacks on three U.S. nightclubs and airports in Germany, such as terrorist on 11 September 2001, distribute in the U.S., said the defendant Adem Yilmaz. The suspected terrorists in 2007 were flown in the Sauerland.
"Three clubs in any case," said Yilmaz to the attack plans. When the plans were going well for the group also had the U.S. airport Rammstein or the Frankfurt Airport and the Uzbek Embassy has targeted.
Yilmaz said that he had with so many casualties as possible, but at least expected 100 to 150 victims. The question of the Presiding Judge Ottmar Breidling whether the success of the planned attacks would have been determined from the number of fatalities, Yilmaz replied "yes". In any case, the group had intended to commit suicide attacks.
The commission acts have the IJU leadership Yilmaz and the defendant Fritz Gelowicz issued in May 2006 during two months of terrorist training in Pakistan. The two co-defendants, Daniel Schneider and Atilla selectors were in the camp. The contract had come as a surprise. They had really "wanted to go to the front," said Yilmaz, according to interrogation protocols. Under the condition that they may attend only a combat mission, they would have consented. "We had decided to commit the attack."
The IJU had merely given Europe as a destination. Germany as a crime scene he had then determined with Gelowicz. Gelowicz was from the top of the leader of IJU-action have been determined. The IJU had promised help in return and the igniter procurement.
While the terrorist training building Yilmaz and Gelowicz already Preview bombs and blew it. Produce the strongest and easiest bombs were made of hydrogen peroxide, Yilmaz said, according to interrogation protocol. The Sauerland group was later acquired in Germany a total of 730 liters of hydrogen peroxide.
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